Tea party and lots of contact information.

So, we’ve bedded in and bedded back out again (there was a law lecture in our bedroom so we’re in the foyer at the moment). We’re looking forward to get some cool events sorted out and we’re proud to announce our first. Today there’s going to be a talk in Lecture Theatre B at 11am on Debt Generation. Come along to that if you fancy it.

But if that’s a bit hardcore for you in the morning, pop along to our tea party in the same room from 3pm onwards. Hopefully we’ll have sorted out some free drinks, tea and cucumber sandwiches by then. All terribly British. (Have to work on that. Bring falafel!) We’ve invited the Manchester Riveters to have their hustings here this afternoon too, but it’s probably too short notice.

There’s also going to be a film showing this evening. It’ll be something with a feminist/LGBT vibe if we manage to get in contact with either society in time, but if not, we have Fight Club and Naomi Klein’s The Shock Doctrine waiting in reserve.

As for contact details, you might have noticed the Contact tab at the top of the homepage. If not, here’s a link: http://www.roscoeoccupation.com/contact/

Each of the email addresses on there will contact specific people here at the occupation. If you email, can you also send a copy to info@roscoeoccupation.com please? Just so we have a central location for all communication.

Cheers, love you all, and can’t wait to see you x

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